You Don’t Know What You Don’t Hear: Signs of Hearing Loss


Hearing loss is typically a gradual change, and because our brain is constantly learning and adjusting- hearing loss left untreated becomes the new normal for the individual, even if it's not the optimal level.

Here are some everyday signs you might be experiencing hearing loss:

  • Struggling to follow conversations: Especially in noisy places like restaurants or crowded rooms.

  • Constantly asking people to repeat themselves: You might feel like everyone's mumbling!

  • The TV or radio seems quieter: You find yourself cranking the volume higher than usual.

  • Feeling drained after social interactions: The effort to concentrate on conversations can be tiring.

  • Noticing ringing or buzzing in your ears: This could be a sign of tinnitus, which often accompanies hearing loss.

  • Loss of balance: The brain is using more energy to help you hear better that you’re no longer paying as much attention to your peripheral environment.

  • Forgetfulness and memory issues: Hearing loss can make it harder to store new information in your memory because your brain is busy trying to understand clearly what you are hearing.

  • Avoiding social gatherings and activities: Hearing loss can cause frustrations for both the hearing-impaired person and the people around him/her.

  • Withdrawal from conversations


Not All Hearing Loss is the Same


Hear to Stay: Protecting Your Ears and Hearing