Hear to Stay: Protecting Your Ears and Hearing


Hearing is a precious sense. From the moment we open our eyes to the time we go to sleep, even while we are sleeping, hearing allows us to connect with the world around us. Unfortunately, hearing loss is a growing concern, and often it is preventable.

We often think of aging and getting old as the main culprit behind hearing loss. However, there are other factors that can pose a threat to our auditory health. 

Here's how to keep your ears and hearing healthy and happy.

1. Avoid Exposure to Loud Sounds

Exposure to loud noise can cause permanent damage to the delicate hair cells in our inner ear, leading to noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). This can lead to difficulty understanding speech, muffled sounds, and tinnitus (ringing in the ears).

Turn it Down: Be mindful of volume levels on headphones and personal music devices. The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) recommends keeping the volume at or below 60% for a maximum of 60 minutes per day.

Move Away from the Noise: If possible, distance yourself from loud sounds.

Invest in Hearing Protection: Earplugs and earmuffs come in various styles and noise reduction ratings (NRR). Choose ones that fit comfortably and provide enough protection for the situation or activity intended.

Know Your Limits: Sounds exceeding 85 decibels (dB) for extended periods can cause hearing loss. Here's a quick guide:

Normal conversation: 60 dB

Hairdryer: 85 dB

Motorcycle: 95 dB

Personal music player at maximum volume: 105 dB

Give Your Ears a Break: Allow your ears to rest from loud noises. Take breaks during activities with high noise levels.

Schedule Regular Checkups: See your doctor for regular hearing screenings, especially if you work in a noisy environment or notice changes in your hearing.

2. Know the Proper Treatment of the Ears

Ears are self-cleaning wonders: Earwax, though sometimes bothersome, naturally traps dust and debris, preventing them from reaching the inner ear. Avoid frequent cleaning, and resist the urge to use and insert cotton swabs (Q-tips) into your ear canal. These can push wax further in, potentially causing damage and impacting the ear wax.

Warm Water Works: During showers or baths, gently wash the outer ear with a warm washcloth and mild soap. This removes any wax or debris in the outer portion of the ear canal without disturbing the natural cleaning process.

Water Safety-Shake it Out: After swimming or bathing, tilt your head to one side and gently wiggle your earlobe to help dislodge any trapped water. You can also use a soft towel to carefully dry the outer ear.

Consider Earplugs: If you frequently swim or spend time in humid environments, explore earplugs designed for swimmers. These create a barrier to prevent excess moisture from entering the ear canal and potentially leading to infections.

Use Head Protection: Wear helmets during activities with a high risk of head injury, like cycling or contact sports to avoid causing trauma to the ear.

Seeking Professional Help: If you experience persistent ear pain, excessive earwax buildup, hearing loss, or drainage from the ear, consult a doctor or otolaryngologist (ear, nose, and throat specialist). Early intervention can prevent complications and ensure proper treatment.

3. Watch Out for Ototoxic Medication

Ototoxic medications are those that can damage the hair cells in the inner ear, leading to hearing loss and tinnitus (ringing in the ears). This damage can be temporary or permanent, depending on the specific medication, dosage, and individual factors.

Several classes of medications are known to have ototoxic properties, including:

Certain Antibiotics: Aminoglycosides like gentamicin are particularly ototoxic, especially in high doses or for extended periods.

Loop Diuretics: These medications, used for high blood pressure and fluid buildup, can sometimes cause temporary hearing loss.

Aspirin (High Doses): While occasional low-dose aspirin is generally safe, taking high doses regularly can contribute to hearing loss.

Cancer Chemotherapy Drugs: Cisplatin and carboplatin are examples of chemotherapy drugs known to cause hearing loss, often permanent.

We know that medications are crucial for managing health conditions, so here are some ways to reduce the risk of ototoxic hearing loss;

Open Communication: Discuss your hearing health with your doctor before starting any new medication. Let them of any existing hearing loss or concerns you may have.

The Lowest Effective Dose: Work with your doctor to determine the lowest effective dose of any ototoxic medication needed for your specific condition.

Monitoring is Key: Schedule regular hearing tests while taking ototoxic medications. Early detection allows for consideration of other options if available.

Alternative Options: If possible, explore alternative medications with a lower risk of ototoxicity. Your doctor can guide you through the options.

Remember: It's important not to stop taking any prescribed medication without consulting your doctor. They can help you weigh the risks and benefits and find the best course of treatment for your health.


You Don’t Know What You Don’t Hear: Signs of Hearing Loss