
Hearing Healthcare

Hearing Aids

We're here to support you throughout your entire hearing aid journey, from personalized fittings and adjustments to ongoing maintenance and repair.

Evaluation and Consultation

When hearing loss is present, based on a complete audiological assessment, we then determine rehabilitation options following these steps.


Discussion of Patient Needs

A comprehensive discussion with the patient explores their:

  • The audiogram results will guide the selection of appropriate hearing aid technology.

  • Understanding the patient's daily activities (social interactions, work environments) helps tailor features like directional microphones and speech enhancement features.

  • Discussing budget limitations ensures a realistic selection of hearing aid options with varying functionalities and costs.

  • Assessing manual dexterity helps determine the suitability of different hearing aid styles (behind-the-ear, in-the-ear) and ease of manipulation.


Hearing Aid Selection

Based on the evaluation results and patient discussion,
the audiologist will recommend hearing aids with specific features like:

  • More channels provide a more natural and differentiated sound experience.

  • These enhance speech understanding in noisy environments.

  • Allows the patient to download an app on their cellphones or tablets to use as a remote control for their hearing aids, to make adjustments as they find suited to the situation. Also, Bluetooth connectivity allows for hands-free phone calls and streaming from compatible devices.

  • Enables customization for different listening situations.

  • Provide accessories for your hearing aids

  • Power your new rechargeable hearing aids

Prescription, Dispensing, and Fitting

Through a collaborative evaluation process, we will determine your hearing needs and preferences together. Based on this evaluation, the most suitable hearing aid options will be prescribed.


Hearing Aid Fitting and Verification

The prescribed hearing aid is programmed and adjusted to fit the patient's ear canal comfortably. Real-ear measurements ensure optimal sound amplification based on the individual's specific hearing loss and ear canal acoustics.

Counseling and Follow-up

The clinician provides training on hearing aid use, care, and maintenance. Follow-up appointments monitor performance and make necessary adjustments for optimal benefit.

Repairs and Maintenance

To ensure that your hearing aids function optimally and deliver the best possible listening experience, we offer comprehensive hearing aid repair and maintenance services


Professional Cleaning and Inspection

Regular cleaning removes earwax, debris, and moisture buildup that can affect sound quality and functionality. We use specialized tools and techniques to safely and thoroughly clean your hearing aids for optimal performance of the devices.

Minor Repairs

Our experienced clinicians can address minor repairs like replacing worn-out tubing, receivers, domes, or filters. This helps prevent further damage and ensures your hearing aids function properly.

Manufacturer Warranty Service

If your hearing aids are still under warranty, we can handle the communication and logistics of repairs with the manufacturer on your behalf.

Extended Warranty Options

We may offer extended warranty plans that provide additional coverage for repairs beyond the manufacturer's warranty period.

Accessories and Assistive Listening Devices

Hearing aid accessories enhance the functionality of hearing aids and improve your overall listening experience in various situations.

Improved Speech Understanding in Difficult Listening Environments

  • These small, wireless microphones clip onto a conversation partner's clothing and transmit their voice directly to your hearing aids. This bypasses background noise, making speech clearer in noisy restaurants, lectures, at a distance or crowded gatherings.

  • These microphone-equipped devices pick up sound from a central location on a table during meetings or group conversations and stream it directly to your hearing aids, filtering out most of the background noise.

Enhanced Connectivity
and Entertainment

  • These versatile devices connect your hearing aids wirelessly to Bluetooth-enabled gadgets like smartphones, tablets, computers, and televisions. You can stream phone calls, music, audiobooks, or TV audio directly to your hearing aids, enjoying high-quality sound without background noise and reverberation.

  • These devices connect to public sound systems in theaters, houses of worship, or classrooms, transmitting amplified sound directly to your hearing aids, ensuring you don't miss announcements or dialogue.

  • These handheld devices allow discreet adjustments of volume, program settings, and tinnitus management features on your hearing aids without physically touching them.

  • These digital assistive listening devices improve speech understanding in challenging listening environments with significant background noise or reverberation. They can be used with remote microphones or placed on tables in classrooms or conference rooms.


all hearing matters

Exceptional hearing care in London, ON

For inquiries, you may send us a message and we will get back to you as soon as we can.